The Croatian Women’s Network, a forum for the advancement and empowerment of women has awarded Prof Iva Tolić with The Croatian Women of Influence Award.
First results of the ERC project published
Our first results of the ERC project, which challenge the paradigm of the force balance in the mitotic spindle, are published in Nature Communications under the title: ‘’Overlap microtubules link sister k-fibres and balance the forces on bi-oriented kinetochores’’. More……
New Tolić Group member
Lejla is employed as a postdoctoral fellow on the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) project OSCITON. She will study mechanism of the kinetochore oscillations in mitosis.
New employee on ESF project
We are pleased to announce that Maja Novak is employed as a young scientist on INTERBIO project funded by European Social Fund (ESF). Welcome Maja!!!
New Tolić Group member
Renata Buđa, welcome to Tolić Lab. We are happy to have you in our group!
New Tolić Group member
We are pleased to announce our new postdoctoral research associate, Juraj Simunić. Juraj will study cytoskeletal dynamics and spindle assembly during cell division on INTERBIO project funded by European Social Fund (ESF). Welcome Jure!!!
New Tolić Group members
Bruno Polak, a recent graduate of University of Zagreb, has joined our laboratory. Welcome to Tolić Group, Bruno!!!! Kruno Vukušić, who did his master thesis at the lab earlier this year, has joined the lab as a…
10th European Biophysics Congress
10th European Biophysics Congress (EBSA2015) Plenary lecture of Prof Iva Tolić
EBSA 2015 Young Investigators’ Medal and Prize
European Biophysical Societies Association (EBSA) has awarded Dr Iva Tolić with Young Investigators’ Medal and Prize for outstanding scientific work at the 10th European Biophysics Congress held on July 18 – 22, 2015 in Dresden, Germany. Read more…
Congratulations Bruno
Bruno Polak defended his master’s thesis titled: Analysis of metaphase spindle mechanics in HeLa cells by laser microsurgery.